Inclusive AI is a visionary organisation committed to democratising Artificial Intelligence. We strive to bridge the gaps and challenges in AI development, ensuring that the benefits of AI are accessible to everyone, irrespective of gender, race, ethnicity, culture, or religion.
Our mission is to Making AI understandable, equitable and inclusive for all.
We aim to be a catalyst for positive change by providing individuals with the skills, knowledge, and resilience to leverage AI effectively and foster inclusivity.
You can contribute by joining our community, donating to us, exploring our courses, and actively participating in our initiatives. To get involved, click on the “Join Us” button on our homepage and fill out the form with your details.
Inclusive AI offers a comprehensive solution to the menace of Deepfakes in the country for the upcoming elections. Explore our Workshop page for more information and to register for the upcoming one.
We actively work to ensure proper representation in AI by focusing on diverse groups, including women, minorities, ethnic groups, and transgender individuals. Our goal is to make AI work for everyone, eliminating bias and leaving no one behind.
Inclusive AI focuses on addressing challenges in AI, including algorithmic bias, data representation, and accessibility. We stand out by actively working towards inclusive solutions, education, and fostering diversity in the AI field.
A deepfake is any synthetic media that includes fictional creations about a living or dead person, or a non-existent person, such as a political party worker who does not exist. Imagine a video of your favourite actor saying something silly they never did. That’s a deepfake! It uses artificial intelligence (AI) to swap faces or voices, making it look (or sound) real.
Deepfakes can be used to spread lies online. They might make a politician seem corrupt or cause drama between celebrities. It can be hard to tell what’s true and what’s fake, which can be a big problem